Monday, October 22, 2007

Come On "Down to Crazy Tex’s for Low Interest Student Loans"

The upcoming Propistion 2 was brought to attention by Coyote Mercury, blogger for The audience targeted, of course, would be college students, potential college students, and student loan competitors.

This year’s Prop 2 will allow the “Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to issue bonds providing low-interest, low-fee student loans,” so says the TX Higher Education Coordinating Board’s propaganda sheet. "Prop 2 will not (they swear to God, hope to die, stick a finance charge in their eye) increase taxes since the borrowers will repay their loans, which makes the whole thing self-sustaining." The loans will have a 6% interest rate and a six-month grace period and with “income sensitive” repayment schedules.

"Despite the potential to make college more easily affordable to a larger number of people without impacting taxes, Prop 2 still looks like it’s probably a good idea. After all, credit cards should be reserved for other college essentials. Like beer." The Propistion is obviously a positive idea and should be voted yes on. There could be little downside for potential college students looking for student loans.’s-for-low-interest-student-loans/

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